Custom Written Descriptive Essays
Descriptive essays describe different people, places and things in such a vivid way that the reader can have a mental picture of the things in the essay. The images in the essay should come alive to the reader. Descriptive words are used to make the events seem real. The vocabulary of the writer uses language that is active and fresh. The essay is well-organized in such a way that each paragraph falls in sequence.

Before writing a descriptive essay it is important to understand the concepts to be used in the essay. Do a little research to identify ways to express the topic. Brainstorm to get ideas to use in the essay that will help in writing the descriptive parts of different people, places, or things.
It is important to use the senses in a descriptive essay so everything seems so real. Try to think about ways to describe the people in your essay. What descriptive words can be used to identify each person? How can you describe the places in your essay so they sound alive? Think about an event your want to describe. Why is this event important? Why would it be important to the reader?
What sights, smells, sounds and tastes can be described in the essay? Think about feelings. What were you feeling at the time? What feelings do you want your reader to have after reading the essay? The object of the descriptive essay is to give the reader a mental image of the people, places, and things.
Remember -- it is important to be able to describe various things in the essay. Use both concrete and abstract images. Do not use too many adverbs because they take away from the description. Remember you are writing something from your point of view and the way you see the events. The way you describe the events will be the way the reader actually sees the events. The way you describe the people will be the way the reader sees the people. Therefore careful thought to the organization of the essay is important in making the essay come alive to the reader. A descriptive essay has a thesis just like any other type of essay and it should have a strong conclusion. Use lots of specific descriptive detail to your sentences in describing different thing. Use a thesaurus to find words to help describe different topics or things in the essay. Sometimes describing something simple and comparing it to something more detailed will help in creating the right description of the item.
Usually the introduction of the essay will begin with a simple statement such as I have always loved strawberries and it ends with something more specific such as eating my Granny's strawberry jam was like tasting a great big strawberry mashed with a little sugar spread on a slice of berry wheat bread. The ability to use the senses is essential in writing descriptive essays is essential to creating a great descriptive essay. Think about each word in the custom essay and how can you add more of a vivid mental picture to the reader.
One way to write descriptive words using different senses is to write each of the senses and think of words for your essay that would fall under any of these. If the essay is about riding a train think of words that could be used to describe a train such as sound of the train with its many different sounds or think about ways to describe a train the first time a child saw one. How would it feel to ride in a train for several hours? The object of a descriptive essay is to think about the senses and use these to describe the topic in your essay. Write a rough draft of the descriptive essay. Think about how you want the reader to see, smell, hear, taste and feel the events in the essay.
While many people might think a descriptive essay is one of the easiest essays to write, in truth, it is one of the most difficult because each person, thing or place needs to be descriptive enough that the reader will have a clear, vivid picture of these.