- Academic Research and Writing Tips / Tutorial

ABC's of Essay Writing

Writing a custom essay can be as simple as saying ABC's. Using these simple ABC's of writing will help you create a successful essay.

Writing Steps

A) is for asking questions about different topics that you may choose to write.

B) is for brainstorming to get ideas about possible topics.

C) is for citations. Every quotation or paraphrase must be cited in an essay.

D) is for dictionary. If you are not sure of the spelling, then look it up in the dictionary.

E) is for evidence. Every thesis and premise must be backed by evidence.

F) is for friend. Have a friend proofread your essay.

G) is for grammar. Check the grammar for mistakes.

I) is for ideas. Brainstorm ideas to choose the topic for the essay.

J) is for journal. Look into your journal for possible ideas for a topic.

K) is for knowledge. What knowledge do you have about your topic?

L) is for listening. Read the essay out loud and listen for any mistakes in the essay.

M) is for making an outline. Using an outline will help in organizing an essay.

N) is for note cards. Make note cards with quotations and citations.

O) is for outline. Create an outline with the thesis sentence and at least three premises.

P) is for parenthetical citations. Use parenthetical citations whenever you make a quote.

Q) is for quotations. Quotations should be used as evidence in the essay.

R) is for reading sources before beginning to write the essay.

S) is for sources. Sources are used to support the thesis statement.

T) is for thesis. Every essay should have a thesis statement.

U) is for understanding. It is essential to the essay that the writer understands the topic.

V) is for visiting the library.

W) if for writing the essay after the outline is created and the sources are available.

X) is for Xeroxing copies of the essay so you have a copy if necessary.

Y) is for Yahoo. Yahoo is a great place to begin the research.

Z) is for zooming through the writing process and creating a great essay using ABC's of writing essays.

The basic steps of writing a custom essay are:

1. Brainstorm for ideas for topics.

2. Create the thesis statement.

3. Create an outline.

4. Write the rough draft.

5. Rewrite the essay.

6. Finish the essay and turn it into the instructor.

A great way to begin writing the essay is through brainstorming. Begin by writing down any thing that comes to your mind. Spend a few minutes writing down possible topics. Select the topic that appeals the most to you.

A few steps will make the process of writing an essay easy and simple. The main step in writing essays is to research the topic. Technology and the Internet offer a world of sources through the World Wide Web. Most college libraries offer different data bases of information.

An important step in writing essays is to create the thesis statement and the outline. This helps to stay focused and organized. When writing the thesis statement make sure it is clear and precise.

One of the most important steps in writing an essay is revising, rewriting, and proofreading the essay. While this takes time and effort, it is worth it. Many teachers become agitated when they see simple mistakes made by students who could have corrected these through the revision process.