College and University Writing and Research Tips Not Only for Students!
I always thought studying, research, and writing was a lame thing to do, so no wonder in college I wasn't recognized for my writing skills. In fact, to avoid writing activity as much as possible, I decided to become an accountant. Mathematics and economics make sense unlike drudgerous literary scribbles; at least that was my philosophy for a long time until I realized that my writing skills (even though they were not excellent) were highly appreciated by other people, especially my coworkers who turned to me every time they had a difficult writing case. Although my realm of expertise was accounting, overtime I became more of an editor or a writer than anything else. Thanks to my newly revealed literary talents my position at work is more stable than ever now that my fame as a skillful writer has spread throughout the firm.
Many people ask me:
"How do you do it? How can you write so clearly and persuasively that the reader simply must budge and give in?"

True, there have been very few cases when my letters, reports, summaries, memos, or other writings failed to bring the desired or expected results. My secret is in being organized. There are only a few relatively simple guidelines one must remember and follow in order to generate a fairly good literary output. Obviously, creating novels is another story; still, even books must be constructed in a very particular way in accordance with official rules for various genres. All writing starts with mastering school writing assignments, such as essays, term papers, research papers, summaries, etc.
The purpose of this web site is to provide its visitors with very simple but effective steps on how to custom-create organized and resourceful assignments, ranging from research papers, essays, and term papers to book reports, admission essays, dissertations, and PhD theses. Many people (especially students) encounter a number of obstacles in the custom writing process because they lack the basic knowledge about structuring their thoughts and gathering information into a comprehensive and attractive output. In fact, the weakness of most written works comes from their dispersed subject matters. When ideas plotted into writing are failing to support a clearly stated theme, the audience become distracted and confused.
Therefore, concentration on a particular topic should be evident throughout the entire written work regardless of its purpose. This goal is easily attained through referring to the main theme every couple of paragraphs. Moreover, every new idea must be tied to the main topic; otherwise, it may seem incompatible or unnecessary.
There are a few critical questions to be answered before the academic writing process begins:
- 1. Who is the audience?
- 2. What is the purpose of the assignment?
- 3. What is my thesis?
- 4. What do I know about this topic?
- 5. How do I want my writing to "sound"?
- 6. Is writing more content always better?
- 7. Are there useful research resources related to the project available?
- 8. How much time do I have to complete the assignment?
Although these questions are common for all kinds of written works, there are some significant differences in the structure and argument presentation process for different kinds of custom writing. You may visit the particular sections of this web site if you are in the process of writing your academic assignment and don't exactly know what further steps you should follow in order to write a solid paper. Once you excel in these areas of creative writing, you may become an indispensable human asset in your firm.
My name is Steve Svan and I'm the author of this web site and a former WSB student. I am also a part-time tutor. You can contact me via email at info % or by sending personal correspondence to:
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Orlando, FL 32855-2399
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