Common Mistakes to Custom Essay Writing
Poor essays are often turned in without anyone readng the essay before the teacher. This often leads to poor essays and poor grades. Why is it important to know how to write a successful essay? Because they affect your grades and they show the instructor what type of students you are. Knowing how to write a "great" essay is important for the next essay written and for the future because often a poorly written essay will influence the teacher about who you are. Knowing the common mistakes and not-so-common mistakes in essay writing is important as a student who wants to please the instructor and to make good grades.
The heart of any successful essay is strong paragraphs. The first paragraph should have a good hook that will keep the reader wanting to read. Quotes, illustrations, or statistic usually captures the attention of the reader. The relevance of the topic needs to be shown in the first paragraph.
Many essays are not planned and lack organization. Often the transitions are missing or they do not adequately link the points of the essay. Each paragraph should begin with a clear topic sentence that emphasizes the thesis of the essay. Explanation of the evidence supporting the thesis should be clearly written for the reader to grasp. Another serious problem with essays is a missing conclusion. Poor support of the main ideas will make a poor essay. Carefully plan your essay with main points and thesis listed in an outline.
Typing errors or misspelled words often annoy the instructor. Every essay should be revised or proofread. Many famous writers have a critique group that suggests corrections on the person's writing. A person should read their work out loud as well as have someone neutral to read their work. Punctuation and grammar are important in writing a "good" essay. Some basic common errors to consider are due to grammar or punctuation errors. Often students write fragmented sentences (a sentence fragment is a sentence that is incomplete). Every sentence needs a subject and verb. Often sentence fragments begin with words such as often, that, or because. The best ways to recognize fragments in an essay is to read the essay out loud. Comma splices are often found in essays. A comma splice occurs when a comma separates two complete sentences. The best ways to correct these comma splices are to make it into two complete sentences using a period or to use a semicolon instead of the comma. Sometimes adding a conjunction is a great way of fixing these types of errors.
Another common error in an essay is using faulty parallelism. Faulty parallelism is a sentence that does not balance such as in a series. "When I go home, I plan to read, to write, and watch television." It should be: "When I go home I plan to read, to write, and to watch television." Keeping the parallelism the same in sentences. If you say you are going to swim, to read, and sleep, the sentence needs to add "to" before sleep.
Often sentences have a subject that does not agree with the verb. This is annoying to instructors. Examples of this error are: "Several boys in class was present." This should read, "Several boys in class were present." Another example would be: "Tom like to swim." This should read, "Tom likes to swim." Reading the sentence slowly helps the writer to catch these simple, but often irritating mistakes.
A not-so-common error of some students is procrastination, or hopefully, it is only a few students who wait until the day before the essay is due to hurriedly write it. Often these students quickly throw their work together and hope for the best. However, most teachers recognize this rather quickly.
Another not-so-common error of essay writers is choosing a topic that they do not know well or choosing a topic they simply are not interested in doing. Good writing comes from the heart and the reader will recognize if a person is writing what a person is interested in knowing. Students bored with a topic or dislike a topic will usually have poor essays.